The Presence of Living Love
Living Love... the Lume of Presence, the one that lives beyond the temporal and momentary impression, the one that sees the exuberance in the features of a true look! That Life Love that is sufficient for itself, that feels the intense Intimacy in the pulsation of the Uterine Heart, knowing it within the Cosmic Heart! Living Love, the Sensuality of the Body Music that breathes freedom and laughs, laughs hand in hand with the God Time, the Sensuality that contemplates the standard images of a deluded collective, loving them as much as itself, in the movement that immerses the standard in the burning magma, so that Mother Earth and the Wild Self will raise the Mountains of the New World! The Love that depersonalizes, that sees beyond faces and desires, the Love Look that sees pure Energy without interference, the Love Look that aligns with the other as the Stars align to create new Stars! The Love that breaks down all the walls of the past, illuminating the ashes and dust with its Acts! The Love that is the Assertive Response, a powerful Yes to Greatness! The Love Action that sees the true intention behind the gesture and the word, the Love of Dignity and Truth, the Love of Sense, the No that is Yes Verticality, the Love of Sword Archangel Michael!
Living Love... the Fire that burns ideas from a preconceived Idea, the Love that lifts your eyes to see what is real, the Love that makes the Day the first and the Great Day, the Love that makes the Night and from the Dream the Portal. The Love that cares only about the Presence of what is Here, Here and Now in the Art of brilliant Imagination, Intuition and Invention! Love Mastery - your Angel in the Physical Body! The Love that touches to be touch and nothing more than that... Touch Osmosis, Wind in the hair, Drops of Crystalline Water on the Skin, Heat and Will inside touching and Pure Essence inside and outside! The Love that makes Love with Color, the Love that makes Love with Sound, the Love that makes love with the movement of your Body to ignite the beam of primordial fire, Love Illumination!
Amor Vivo... the Lume that tells you, you are closer when you cry! The Love that grabs and groans, that tears away the pieces of pain to deliver them to the Heights! Says Mary and her Name times a thousand: do not be afraid of your tears, that salt is Salt from the same Blue Sea that you see outside, do not deny what is Yours! Your Heart is as Grand as That Sea, which is within other Cosmic Seas! You may not see them with your sense of sight, but if you cry you will begin to see your Body inside this Body of Salt with different eyes! Salt processes all fragmented matter, its magnetism operates in accordance with Cosmic Water, elements and energy from the stars move among the fractals, giving you back your Presence, the Song of Yourself! Say - Move Beloved I Am! Make the Crystal Water flow!
Mother Earth says: Listen, whether you are in love or not... wherever you are and whoever you are with, these words are just for you: you are not trapped, no one stops you but yourself! I Am Mother Earth, the Star of Freedom! In my Body, a prison is a mere illusion! A prison is an energy that, once conscious, is an integral part of the New World! Human, you are Human yes, you are immersed in layers and layers of weight and gravity... but you are getting lighter and lighter, just like Me! see how I move and breathe, be inspired by my Beauty which is Movement, free yourself from your fixed ideas, from what is contrary to fluidity! An idea can be a prison for life, you know? A sensation, a perception too... So, pay attention, because ultimately, to feel the Living Love, it's not about defining what is what, it's about touching what the simplest reality is. and elementary energy... that is why it is said - that Wisdom takes the place of knowledge. Your pain, your desire, is just an energy, don't classify it! Just watch her! To be the Presence of Living Love it is necessary to touch the point where the mind releases the personified object to give way to Pure Energy! The more you objectify and categorize Life and the characters in your Life, the further you will be from this Living Love! Yes, you are someone's son, but I speak for you, and only for you, for your Free and Timeless Presence, see with the eyes of Seeing everything you feel... pain or joy, scarcity or abundance, cold or hot, in Consciousness it is not duality that defines Living Love, but Cosmic Freedom! Therefore, ease the fears of your mind, let Simplicity be the Conduct of this Day. Living Love is Simple, an intense Light that makes you a Co-Creator of Paradise on Earth! The conflict generated by illusions disappears immediately if you look at the simplicity of my Life... listen to what I tell you today - the apocalypse is not the end of the World, it is the beginning of Paradise!"
Living Love is the Great Central Sun and Your Inner Sun fused into one Body, without you even knowing it. Take the step forward and Take Your Place because... Wake up! Paradise on Earth is coming... and for many who Vividly Love their Earth Body and their Star Body - it is already Here!