Meditative Concerts

The instruments that bring the music of the soul are an extension of my Body of Love, whose Life appeals to Beauty, Depth, Truth! Concerts are journeys where space and time dissolve, where the Heart is an anchor for a growing feeling of abundance, of intense and real sensations of what it means to be Soul and Body, a bridge between Heaven and Earth! Moments of connection with the stellar and telluric instances that nourish the Consciousness of Life that is born and reborn - here the movement of Divine Love is invoked to awaken the Heart that frees itself and illuminates!
At the concerts, participants are invited and guided in a very deep meditative dance, feeling the voice as an open Path to the Mystery and the Source!
12 de Dezembro "Yeshua"
Galeria do Centro Cultural de Rio Tinto
... an Experience in which we surrender to guidance that inspires total confidence and allows us to embark on unknown paths and delve into the Mysteries of Life. The sound, Ana Maria's voice and the Purpose to which she trusts in her own guidance, which comes to her from Higher Spheres, permeate us and dissolve the veils that separate illusion from Reality. And... let's go, step by step, releasing the ties that bind us to a matrix and remembering who we truly are. This is beautiful, it's liberating, it's, I might even say, disturbing at certain moments, it's so impactful. I feel that this is what Life is inviting us to, in the current moment we live in as Humanity. Remember who we really are. Gratitude, dear Ana Maria, for being who you are and sharing it with us. A true Priestess. Gratitude to all of us who surrender and allow ourselves to open to the Great Mystery. And, how wonderful it is to feel the Power and Security of remaining united in Fraternity. Tilde Carneiro Renascer Concert

The meditative concert "Renascer" led by Ana Maria Pinto was an experience that I felt was a huge blessing! In it, I was transported to a sacred place, where every sound is prayer, love, purity... an unknown space, of such security and harmony that in response and relationship, my body, my soul revealed to me parts of myself that I know little or nothing, which don't even seem like mine and at the same time could be my purest truth. Many times during the concert I felt tears toasting the love in which I was involved. I feel enormous gratitude for having had this opportunity! Sofia Lemos Concerto Renascer

It was such a deep and powerful experience, the body manifesting love but at the same time so outside of this body, or even this dimension! And from this galactic extrasensory experience a collective scream was released like the vibrant pulse of a Cosmic big bang, yes, the power in vibration and sound that even creates Universes, at first it was feeling all the creative power contained all in one scream and in our voice like Big Bang. But I remember after the moment you were playing the piano sitting down, a voice appeared in me that whispered to me, "grateful, grateful, grateful, for that beautiful voice of yours, which makes us whole Beings, women and men whole again and in it I feel that every broken piece of this world in trouble and in need is repaired! In her, in this voice, everything is repaired, purified and healed, or becomes at least a little better, like a balm for troubled and distressing times where nothing or little seems to do anymore sense but, suddenly, in this voice all the pieces fit together, everything is ordered and gains meaning again, because the Truth is there, present, clear, undeniable, inevitable, it simply IS, pure and Hard and lights up, dazzles each of the our hearts. Grateful, oh how good, that voice, oh how good, grateful!" Because it is Root, it is Earth, it is Mother-Earth. I didn't know it was possible to offer so much support with just one voice, you showed me that! And then that voice returned, already half in a trance "oh how good, that voice, oh grateful, grateful, grateful" And suddenly we all opened our eyes and I looked around and... our eyes shone and our hearts vibrated. Everything was Light, we shone crystal clear bathed in celestial Voice and gave us Voice, and Shout and pulsation. Grateful for our Voice and giving us a Voice, and body manifest love. At that time my word was Aho, now it would be "good luck to Ana Maria Pinto, good luck to that Voice" Rita Arriola. Concert The Song of the Forest
Cada concerto com a Ana Maria Pinto se demonstra uma viagem sensorial. O sentir que me fica no corpo, extravasa qualquer palavra que consiga imprimir no papel. No concerto "O canto da floresta" senti-me a incorporar o ser vivo que a Terra é. Fui a mais profunda e sólida raiz, trazida pela sonoridade do gongo juntamente com os vocalizos, transformando-me na própria terra que a sustenta. Nessa dança entre instrumentos e voz, escorreu também pelo meu corpo a seiva da árvore da vida. O tambor trouxe o ânimo ao corpo, que se movimentou ao sabor da voz da Ana, como que a incorporar o movimento de uma selva inteira. A voz animal, que grita, fez-se no corpo, ajudando a restabelecer o seu equilíbrio. No final, fui inundada por uma sensação de espaço sem tempo, onde tudo o que existia era apenas pura emanação de luz branca trazida pela flor de lótus. É com total confiança que me entrego sempre, a todo o trabalho que a Ana Maria Pinto desenvolve. Susana Brandão Concerto O Canto da Floresta

A lyrical singer, Ana Maria has a delicious voice that, combined with the different sounds she sang, transported me, in a way that was both surprising and enriching, to a journey within me...where I don't know how to get there...alone. It was, therefore, a wonderful individual experience in a circle of beautiful people. I really liked it. I highly recommend it. I am curious about the next moments of sharing where collective LOVE so easily makes us ONE. Well done, dear Ana Maria❤️Sowing fulfillment in others, be HAPPY. Solange Burri Concerto Renascer
How can you describe the meditative concert experience in one word? Reborn. Diving into the depths of the soul, following the spiritual call of Mother Earth to find our Truth. I can say that throughout the concert I immersed myself in different waters: past waters, cosmic oceans, rivers of life, even the mists of uncertainty. The emotions were strong, both singularly and collectively, but despite being alone on my internal journey to the roots of the soul, I felt accompanied either by the strength of the circle or the mastery that Ana Maria brought in that infinite moment, like her music and call, guiding each of us on this journey to the cradle of essence. Forever grateful for this awakening and for the light I felt and saw during this trip. Filipe Almeida Renascer Concert
At Ana Maria Pinto's meditative concert I felt like I was in water, in the womb of mother nature, the sound took me home. I rescued my faith, freeing myself from guilt. I freed my body from restraints and led me to peace. It was like diving into the sea. Maria Alves Reborn Concert
I was gently guided into the forest where I merged with its Deep Green. In this fusion, a surprisingly beautiful Voice transported me to other Dimensions of my Being. I became One with the Universe. I was then called, by the rhythm of Nature, to release My cry, my Voice, to find my center of Power, Strength and Pleasure. Pure liberation! And behold, calm arrived, announced by the song of blue birds... a melody from the Heavens. What a trip! How much love! How much delivery! So Much Gratitude! Diana Ferreira Concert O Canto da Floresta
"An immense joy opened my chest. The smile remained on my face, right at the beginning of the meditation. I saw, a gap opened in the chest of light. Black pieces detached from my body and each detached piece appeared light, a weight left with each piece. And the my chest opened so much that it hurt from opening it, at the bottom a diamond covered with black and gray mud, it struggled to be seen. With each beat of the drum the mud crumbled and I heard I Am What I Am... " Márcia Leal. Concert "The touch of the Angels"
"...My chest opened, my heart openeduuu, I felt my wings opening, I felt myself transforming into an eagle and flying, flying, flying into space. Pure happiness. Do you have any idea what you're doing in us and what through you and us you spread to the Whole? You are clear. You are a Whole, Wonderful Being!! Immense gratitude!" Zé Cameira. Concert "The touch of the Angels"