Courses 5 Days/9 Mounths

New Dates for the 5-Day Course for Women
17, 18, 24 e 25 Fev + 2 de Março 2024
5 days, 5 initiations to rediscover the wild voice, the expression of the Great Mother and the Archetype of the Goddess, the line of action of the Sacred Masculine, Archangel Michael and the Angels of the Earth.
Your animal voice, embedded in the wisdom of your body.
The mirror voice of the lineages, open resonance of the wound and the feeling of every muscle that screams, cries and laughs, you savage, daughter of other daughters, daughters of the Earth.
Your voice that inflames you, that lights your belly, the voice that rises in tears to the spark that gives you Eternal Life. Your voice that teaches you to heal with saliva impregnated with holiness.
The voice that remembers giving birth and being born. The voice of hands deep in the Earth, the voice of feet in root. The voice that never stops germinating because it is the seed and flower of life in the cosmic sky. The voice beyond the body, the stellar voice, a star immersed in the seas of Mother Earth.
The Angel Voice, manifestation of your Angels, your voice that heals the Earth, your voice that gives nourishment to Children and Children. Your voice that enchants and reveals you, to denounce the lies you told yourself, dismembering ideas with the edge of the Archangel's sword... the sword and the bird that makes you feel, "may you know that you are loved, daughter of God , Father mother".
The voice that forgets parts of deaths and deaths, the voice that dies feeling you in every moment of death and the glory of dying deeply surrendered to death. The voice that recognizes every trace of the breaking, of the new breaking, the voice that tears the path to the light.... the voice that you feel in your guts and in your sore legs, the voice ripped from the inside of your body, the free voice, profoundly and immensely free in your hands!
The wild voice, the voice that roars, the voice that screams, the voice outside of time and space, the voice of fear before your vivid, present and terribly lucid eyes. The voice of intensely raw and pure love... the love that chews every particle, the love that never ends, the love of an imperishable tree in the center of your chest, the voice of Universal Love, the resonant, audible Christ in You, Jesus and Mary in You, all the names of the Earth in You and in one voice!
You are whole and your Power is indestructible. You are the Voice of an Angel on Earth, You are the Light! Know Your movement, embrace Yourself, expand Yourself, remember the Flower and the Wind in every atom of your Body, reveal Yourself and Yourself - in Your Voice!
9 mounths course 2024
Sensitive Technique:
January 28th, March 3rd and March 24th
- The sensations of the body that sings
- Activation of energy flow
- Initiation to the Ave Voice
Emotional Technique:
April 25th, May 26th and June 30th
- The Body of Pain the Body of Light
- From scream to silence, from crying to joy
- Initiation to the Love Voice
Intuitive Technique:
July 14th, September 22nd and October 6th
- Language of Earth and Light
- Creative chaos and voice messaging
- Initiation to the Light Voice