The path to Peace

The world is, among many other things, a stage for CONFLICTS. And because it has been since the story is told, I would like to talk to you about Mother Mary. Today, in 2023, more than 100 years after his appearance in Fátima, I speak not from dogma nor from written history nor from what I was told. I speak from my life experience. In Berlin, during the 7 years I was there, I lived for around two and a half years at Nollendorfplatz, my favorite place in that symbolic city, an open-air museum.
In August 2023, I revisited the places where I lived, including my favorite, and entered the church in that square, something I had never done during the entire time I lived there. As I enter, I see the image of Our Lady of Fátima at the entrance, white and beautiful, and right in front in the dim light, in the dark shadow, a woman on her knees in tears, a cry that echoed throughout the church. It was curious to enter that church in 2023 and not before, that same night I had had a dream that came true weeks later on the Mariana Route of Magdala - Sacred Voices, closely linked to what was on one of the altars of that temple: OLEUM LETITIE - the oil of happiness. It was Tuesday, the day of the week I was born and I almost died too. My birth was difficult and I had other moments in my life when death lurked in the street, twice miraculously I was not run over by a bus. I don't need anyone to tell me that the hand of Mary was my support of Life, my entire Body is evidence of that, and if I say it, it's not so that it can be recorded as a dogma in a book, but rather so that it can be left to the wind and nothing more than that.
In Berlin, the first image shown in 2004 was the destroyed roof of a church, where years later an attack would take place. That roof was like a reference for me in that city. On a Tuesday in August 2023 I saw Fátima in Berlin and on Friday of the same week I saw a film about the creation of the atomic bomb. When I left I noticed that the cinema was right next to my place of reference, the memorial was a warning. I looked at the blue sky and realized how fragile we are in the face of fear, the destruction of the atmosphere is not a question... it is better to have Power over others than for all of humanity to die. This is impressive and unspeakable.
In 1917 the call to prayer appeared, and a collective consciousness became an anchor of the Marian faith... invention or not, the fact is that I burst into tears that day when Fátima and the War merged in my perception of the Earth. A feeling of "it was a close call..." looking at the collapsed roof of the church, was evidence in my own bones, matter of lineages within earthly lineages that experienced so many conflicts. Interestingly, when I was told the story of Fátima, no one told me that the purpose of the apparition was Prayer. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Today, the most important thing is not what the priest or the scientist says, it is within me that the sensation becomes evidence, if I study it is above all to think for myself. Blindly holding flags or raising fists in anger only widens and perpetuates the conflict. Before the two fronts of war, the place I choose is that of cosmic laws - my own Meaning. How did I discover it? Praying the rosary, singing Hindu and Buddhist mantras, Bach cantatas and Mozart Masses, dancing African dances and holding my shamanic drum.
In 2010 I finished my Master's degree at UdK Berlin - Gesang / Musiktheater with Blanche de La Force's interpretation of Francis Poulenc's opera "The Dialogues of the Carmelites". Before going on stage, my teacher Dagmar Schellenberger offered me what would become, years later, the greatest treasure of all for me: a blue rosary that had been given to her by a Carmelite. I sang Blanche de La Force - a sensitive being who sought refuge in prayer to free herself from her fears. At the end of the opera, which tells a true story, Blanche surrenders to the Salve Regina of other Carmelites, ending up being another martyr of the French Revolution. Years later I held that rosary for months on end, not on stage, but in real life... and I found Mary, not in the temple but in the Sea of Iemanjá. What awakened Mary in me was the Sea. I saw her approaching because I called her Name from my darkest nature - fear. She touched me because I merged with the elements of my nature - water, fire, air and earth.
It was in the Body that she opened her Song, in the Body that trembles and frees itself. That blue rosary gained a salty substance and it was because I let myself be kissed by the waves that Mary gave birth to a new Me. What was left behind was a mind trapped by a distorted imagination, one that allows itself to be tied by the ways that humans invent to feel themselves. alive. - the stimuli of horror, terror, frightening images. To feel alive, humans invent terror, death and specters that carry all the dead on their backs. Building their flags, with pride, they forget that War is a timeless scar, spanning generations. With pride, walls are built and traumas are forgotten. The trauma of war, the veteran, as well as the sailor who died at sea, what He represents in us, never touched true healing. How many dying men called for their mothers on the battlefields, dying without feeling their touch? How many veterans harbor memories of unspeakable horror? And despite so many mothers crying for their children at the feet of Mary, they insist on giving hardness to the wall instead of crying, so that the water Body becomes a River - the River of Peace of Liberation from Traumas.
Today, many humans are still flags, but tomorrow it is certain that they will only be humans. It's not just my faith that says so, it's the evidence of the movement of the spiral, of the cosmic law in the Milky Way, in Andromeda, in the Pleiades and in the Sun. The sea told me stories that go beyond Earth. The water of this Sea holds memories that are not just from here, the Sea reflects the Light of the Stars. In our ancestors, evolved people spoke with the stars, with divine intelligence, not from external technology, but from within. They knew that within themselves they had the most perfect ship that put the conflict stage into perspective. And that is why we must teach that before we are children of the Earth, we are children of the Stars... beyond time, beyond space. We have to see the firmament of stars. We are not the only thing that is here in sight, look up... what will live there? Asking questions before assuming certainties is what the new generations bring. The movement of the spiral is evidence, anyone who says this is worse than ever is mistaken.
The sea told me many other secrets that I keep as virtues of Creation, the Sea gave me so much that I can only donate with my own Life, knowing it is Eternal. Being a hostage to death is a condition that I abandoned when listening to masters and people from the earth, in the Human Body Mary taught me how to see the Portal. And I only revealed it because I also saw Kuan Yin, a symbol of Compassion that comes to us from the East. West and East merged in me as if by magic or miracle because I was born in 1981, in a Land of freedom where I have wings. Land of simple people who, within what they can do, do so many things well, whatever they say. There are corrupt people everywhere.
Today, in 2023, the world is divided, some on one side and others on the other because few know they are children of the Stars. Few, but many, know that this Earth is a stage for conflicts so that the consciousness gained through experience can end them. What could one day end the conflict is firstly the end of the illusion of death. The end of heaven and hell, the end of dogma being replaced by Internal Power, which does not allow itself to be deceived or carried away by tales and sayings.
It's no wonder we're living in an information war... do you want to know the truth? Look for it inside! If you don't think and feel for yourself, with critical thinking, and if you don't feel Peace within your own Body - because you're still experiencing the trauma - you'll always want to step foot on one of the fronts of the war. It is your unconscious that asks for it, the one that is at war. That's it, it's simple but difficult.
I didn't find Mary in myself because I was born in the Land of Fátima, I found her because I found myself beyond the flag... I found her in the teaching of the Indian, of Gautama, of the guru and of the listener that I am. I found it in Europe and Africa, this Kindness more than Goodness that included everything! As a Portuguese person, today in 2023, I have the blessing of being able to tell myself about the world and the Star, and I can only thank myself for that, as I didn't let myself be chained by the intricacies of fear and uncertainty.
In the face of conflict I say Maria, the same as saying Peace. In the face of conflict I say Michael, the same as saying Cosmic Law. At the end of the Mariana Route, in Fátima, alone, I discovered that in that sanctuary there is a piece of the Berlin Wall. What the God of Time teaches me is that repetition is the condition of the self-absorbed wheel. Once the wall fell and opened a Path to the Light. Today other walls will fall, it's just a matter of time.
Peace and Wisdom to the leaders of the world, Peace and Wisdom to all beings on Earth! Let's walk!